Friday, November 24, 2006

weekend in Israel

After few weeks of hectic work, without finding the way to relax on weekends i found myself free of missions in my TO DO list.
Tel Aviv on Fridays is the city to open you morning with, sunshine , no traffic and beautiful people .We started the morning in one of the best bakeries in TLV, L'ehamim (which mean "Many Bread" in English) and than we picked Danielle , out oldest daughter who arrive from the army, from the bus station after two weeks
out of home.


we went to have our next coffee with Tal, a very good friend who is the leading insurance broker specializing in Aviation in Israel

Tal Engel

we had this coffee in Matilda which my partner Jacob says its the best coffee house in TLV , free parking and free WiFi , he is from Jerusalem so it doesn't count:)

one of the greats things in Israel is our weather, so i found myself driving to the sea w/Maayan my youngest (+5) and her friend Yuli to have few hours in the sun. of course no bathing suits so i found my self running trying to stop them from going into the water............wonderful day

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