Thursday, December 28, 2006

My Dilemma

Part of my vision in business is: "doing business differently" and it comes from the "coach" part in me. it’s a long story to define what's "differently" but I don't feel that I want to explore it now but I do want to lighten part of it …………and my personal dilemma……..
The part which I want to explore now is the "Human Part" or How can a venture capital destroy (or build) the vision of entrepreneurs (people who built new companies) . we try to see the people behind the idea and not only D' idea. We try to give everybody a fair chance to present his/her idea and we do take them seriously. once a week we sit on our deal flow and review the meeting we've done and the decisions of " GO no GO" and apparently we say no to most of them (we can only invest in 8-10 companies during the next 2-3 years and we see around 5-10 New companies a WEEK!!!)) . it turn out that I am saying NO to more the 90% of the people I meet, those who built their vision, have passion to successes, those who left their job in order to built new companies, leave secured places or just follow their dream…………and for those talented ones we say no!, No, its not a good idea, NO, it doesn't suit our criteria. No……….no……………no…………

and these people are exactly the people which I work as their coach and encourage them to DREAM, think FAR, think BIG , think PASSION………………………
for all those whom we met and said no, don't get it personaly, don't let it get you off your track and vision - try to figure out what went worng,why you didn't succeed but if you belive in your idea keep on going..........

can you see my dilemma?

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