Thursday, March 15, 2007

Why do we do what we do?

I bought a motorcycle.
For long time I am struggling with my self on the issue should or shouldn't I buy a motorcycle. I know the text book about how dangerous it is , a specially in Israel when people don't "behave" on the road.
I hear people say…….oho…..he must be 40+…………that's what they do at their 40 tees… a motorcycle, got divorced, going to India, learn Tantra………. Well I must say that beside divorce ,which I am not planning to go through any more (once is enough) ,I wish I can do all ………and why not do all? I can, so I will probably do……I am not sure about India but Albania sounds great and Laos is beautiful..any other suggestion?
Is it the 40tees? Or is it our passion for new things that we allowed our self to do only when we are very young (with no obligations) or when we go older (and have less obligations) ?
This bring me back to coaching………this is what I like about being a coach. let the imagination of your client run riot, allowed them to dream far than they ever dreamed on and support them when they start moving toward their dreams. And as they say: "put your money where your mouth is" !
I bought a motorcycle!! And when someone ask me why, my answer is: "because it was Orange"


Anonymous said...

Hi Lior, although I told you today that the only thing that matters to me in a car is it's color, when it comes to motorcycles even the color doesn’t matter- as long as you drive it safe, enjoy the ride and welcome the wind, so please drive safely. I didn’t thank you enough about making time to my very energetic speech, so I do now. Take good care.

Anonymous said...

At 40+ you do not have less obligations yet!.

Being carless is not necessaraily the teaching of coaching.

Not everything that is orange is good for you

with love

Anonymous said...

you are lovely and smart. A great combination!