Tuesday, June 19, 2007

control your ego

I love these moments………..today L. arrived to our weekly meeting, she was SO happy.
These are the moments where you are so happy for your clients (and for you?), you see that they discover their passion, they new it all along the way but somewhere covered it with masks, with "the right thing to do", with:" what my mother will think of it"……..she thanked me so much for my wisdom/help/……..and THAT'S one of the most difficult thing as a coach……..control your EGO, yes I did something, yes I helped her discovering , but NO its not really me doing the hard job, she did it….i was there, I stepped next to her but she moved herself to a better position, she did the tough job and will carry on with the success or the failure.
As coaches we can get compliments, we can believe them , it can make us better coaches once we feel we are good but we should beware of getting into an ego trip that we are THE reason for changes, we are not!!!


Anonymous said...

one of the biggest lessons you've thought me was asking alot of questions about everything, it makes the right thing to do much more clear. Asking L the right questions, and being there to reflect the answers probably made your 1+1=3 that enabled the magic to happan. Your super ego should feel very good about it - you helped L find someting that she probably lost long time ago - her destiny in life.

Anonymous said...

one of the biggest lessons you've thought me was asking alot of questions about everything, it makes the right thing to do much more clear. Asking L the right questions, and being there to reflect the answers probably made your 1+1=3 that enabled the magic to happan. Your super ego should feel very good about it - you helped L find someting that she probably lost long time ago - her destiny in life.

Anonymous said...

People should read this.