Saturday, January 13, 2007

the metrix

I found the matrix………….
I believe each one of us, when he/she saw, Matrix 1……2……….wonder even for a short time (at least I did) is it possible?
I found it is exist ………Las Vegas……..i know everybody says its big, crazy, beautiful, artificial……but I think its more than that.
They built a world within a world and although you know it you still got confuse, you can't go off the bitten track no matter how much you try, meaning you can't miss going in/near a casino. the hotels lobbies are the casino and if you want to explore the outside you have to work hard to find your way out and when you do it, you ended up in another one.……….my personal "peak" was when I was in the Venecian ,went "out" to the "Italian square" wondering how could it possible that evening has arrive and than got shocked when I understood that the sky I am seeing is ARTIFICIAL!!!
Talking about artificial, on Wednesday started another parallel show to CES (consumer electronics) : THE - Adult Entertainment Expo , and you bet most of the boobs couldn't get that big or that high without a little artificial help!
I spoke with locals who live and do business there, I spoke with tourists who don't gamble and I found out one can enjoy the good of what the place has: great views of desert, beautiful nature, great in winter, excellent restaurants…….but for most of those who come sit next to the Black Jack tables or the Poker ones, and play for hours with the slots or for the older women who walked half naked instead of playing with their grandsons, I am not sure its enjoyable.
A short confession …………I played Black Jack (total of 3 hours in three days) and lost around 100$ - I gave my share to the system!!!
I can understand people who love it. it fulfills a lot of the western world fantasies for men(and sometimes for women) , you can play penny slots and still got served drinks, for free, by an half naked bunny , you sleep in a wonderful hotels which any where as you would pay twice or more, and you even don't have to travel far to see the world, its all there – NY, Paris ,Venice……..but its all for you to spend your Bucks. I wonder when they will have Jerusalem Hotel…………
I am on a plane to Amsterdam (after going from Vegas to Denver, NYC (stayed a day) ) and later on, back home, an interesting week!
CES is amazing, its was my first time and I couldn't figure out the size, its huge…………business wise it was very good for Mportico ( ,one of our portfolio companies and I hope to see the results soon.
For those of you who like to explore New York, I found two new places , Bond St. restaurant – a sushi restaurant on 6 Bond Street ( the restaurant bar which located below the restaurant is very cool) and another place with the ugliest people in New York , but great drinks, good Mexican food, and Fridays& Saturdays parties ( south American music and bands) – Gonzalens- Gonzalense , on Broadway two blocks south of bond st. and one block north of Broadway/Huston. In Las Vegas you can try TAO bar and restaurant in the Venetian Hotel.

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