Monday, March 26, 2007

Do we appreciate what we have?

When I was a teenager I use to spend most of my time playing football (or as the Americans call it soccer) and the rest was in the scouts.
I this fast, digital,virtual world that we are living today , it's amazign that Scouts are still kicking and running. My wonderful mead daughter Roni (her name means Joy, Fun and indeed she is)just left yesterday to a full week which they spent walking with backpacks with all their stuff in, sleep outside, cook their food alone and with no showers.
It’s the same girl that change her cloths twice a day , the one who says that Ramat-Aviv mall is her third house (mother, father…and mall), the one who put make-up and all the rest which I don't really know how you call them. This 15 years old that takes minimum of two showers a day will have to "survive" 5 days without shower, 5 days without her computer and mobile (well she took it but it will probably won't be in use due to battery life), and 5 days without her mother ,father or Tali taking care of her.
I am SO glad she can experience different life than her regular life, SO happy she can see ,you can get along with only two Tees, SO happy that she can appreciate her life and what she has back home, SO happy for her to go through some difficulties and appreciate what she don't have to go through on daily basis. Good luck my dear Roni!!
And back to us……… we appreciate what we have on a daily basis? or only when we go out of our comfort zones?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Being a teenager Rony is supposed to enjoy things that are done with other teenagers whether it's going to the mall or to a trip to the desert. She’s probably going to have wonderful time there (at that some-millions- stars hotel), as long as the company is nice and nobody else takes a shower while she doesn’t, or puts make up while she has none, because in this age there’s nothing you want more than being popular. (And to have fun, but the popular teenagers have more fun). All the other equipments, gadgets and stuff are only part of the “uniform” to the “teenclub”.
If Rony enjoys the company she might find out that she doesn’t really need much in order to be happy, or at least satisfied, otherwise she’ll miss not only the family, but also every gadget and especially her pillow.
Sometimes I think that if we could only once in a while think what we would take out from a burning house, we might have saved the trouble of surrounding ourselves with so many useless things that collect dust and have no influence of out happiness.
Unfortunately, most of the time we take care of things that we don’t really need, enjoy or want. Getting away from them for a while enables to find that out.
I wish Rony to find that out; it clears the mind and makes place to happiness.