Tuesday, October 09, 2007

its been long time since i worte

blogging can be difficult.........and if you stop writing for a while you always know how long has been gone since you last did:)
The last few months were hectic but full of adventures and fun. I've been in Denmark, Slovenia, Italy Crete (with motorcycles), and Seychelles all in vacations and in USA for work.
There are so many phrases about traveling , about meeting people and about seeing new places and the way it contribute to yourself.
Sometimes it seems to me that there are no more "new" places that you can go to, it might be right, when you travel in Europe or USA, you might don't feel the "adventure" of discovering "new" places and sometimes its even boring to see globalization – same shops ,same food chains, same brands but still something in the air, atmosphere is different. People are very different from each other, cross the border from Italy to Slovenia and its totally different , do a you turn and cross to Austria and one again so different. The landscape might be the same, the Mounties are very much similar but the people are different. So for me traveling is an addiction, I can't see myself without traveling, I can manage business travels but I prefer vacation ones (isn't it clear?:-)
But are people really different? I don't think so…………..we are all looking for the same things…….love, security, finding our passion ………I find myself talking with strangers trying to see what's their passion, what is driving them, and we are all the same………we all want to love and be loved.
That is why I love coaching, when you find what is your real passion, what do you "love" to do, what's make you feel good and not what you "have" to feel good about, things are getting much easier.
On my way to USA again, this time Boston, Chicago and NYC

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

control your ego

I love these moments………..today L. arrived to our weekly meeting, she was SO happy.
These are the moments where you are so happy for your clients (and for you?), you see that they discover their passion, they new it all along the way but somewhere covered it with masks, with "the right thing to do", with:" what my mother will think of it"……..she thanked me so much for my wisdom/help/……..and THAT'S one of the most difficult thing as a coach……..control your EGO, yes I did something, yes I helped her discovering , but NO its not really me doing the hard job, she did it….i was there, I stepped next to her but she moved herself to a better position, she did the tough job and will carry on with the success or the failure.
As coaches we can get compliments, we can believe them , it can make us better coaches once we feel we are good but we should beware of getting into an ego trip that we are THE reason for changes, we are not!!!

Monday, June 04, 2007

Vipassana in NYC

"Vipassanā (Pāli) or vipaśyanā (Sanskrit) means "insight" and is often referred to by Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike as simply "insight meditation". While it is a type of Buddhist meditation as taught by the Buddha it is essentially non-sectarian in character and has universal application. It does not require conversion to Buddhism to practice vipassana meditation. While the meditation practices themselves vary from school to school, the underlying principle is the investigation of phenomena as they manifest in the five aggregates (skandhas) namely, matter or form (rūpa), sensation or feelings (vedanā), perception (saṃjñā, Pāli saññā), mental formations (saṃskāra, Pāli saṅkhāra) and consciousness (vijñāna, Pāli viññāṇa). This process leads to direct experiential perception, vipassanā." From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The first time I happened to hear about Vipassana was back in 1984, in India. I am not sure if I heard this term but I was told by people who went for a week of silence, without talking at all , and heard wonderful stories on how it changed their life. Few years ago a good friend of mine did it here in Israel for a full 10 days and his reaction was (again) :" it changed my life" and since than he is putting a pressure on my to do it.
Last week I was in NY for a week, part of it was business and part was my NY Spring vacation, as always NY was great , I spent a weekend with Tali and when she left on Sunday I decided to make the next few days the Vipassana way. I tried hard not to contact people, not to speak, to run a lot in central park , to go to hear music but not to be in physical/talking contact with other. i must say i succeeded!!!
I sure will not call it "real Vipassana" but it was a very interesting experiment, first you meet yourself and always it’s the most difficult thing, than you open yourself to the surrounding, I mean really sharpen your skills of listening to what's going on around you. Since you don't talk, you are concentrating on other people, their behavior, you can notice if they are happy, sad ,angry ,passionate, tired……the world looks different when you listen and not participate in the talking.
After three days like this I couldn't do it any more, and the first one who approached me with question got the all story for few hours……………thank you T. for listening.
My NYC Vipassana didn't change my life but certainly sharpened my listening skills.

And for all of you NYC Jazz lovers – try Zinc , its still one of the best kept secrets in NY.

Monday, May 28, 2007

memorial day

Back to writing, after few weeks. Many things had happened …………..the body of Ada Gershoviz was found by local people in Deqin area, although its sad when people go a way, when people are missing its better for the families to KNOW and not live in an uncertain situation.
I am in NYC again, it’s a different city in Autumn , the temperature is 23-30 C, the streets crowded, the restaurants "go out" , beautiful!!
It happened that this weekend is Memorial Day for the US soldiers. It's funny to see the different way they "celebrate" the MD, they actually celebrate it with Bar B Q, and Memorial day SALES, just imagine celebrating our Memorial day the same way.
In other hand let's keep our mind open, there are places in the world that celebrate the "dead night" in cemeteries with food and songs. It’s a beautiful way to remember our dear ones, but I think that here in Israel we can't do it yet we are too conservative …………..but we also have our own "strange" way , we celebrate our independence day once our memorial day is finished – in one minute you go from grave to fireworks…….and the next day is Bar B Q day………….so maybe we are not too different from the Americans…….

memorial day

Back to writing, after few weeks. Many things had happened …………..the body of Ada Gershoviz was found by local people in Deqin area, although its sad when people go a way, when people are missing its better for the families to KNOW and not live in an uncertain situation.
I am in NYC again, it’s a different country in Autumn , the temperature is 23-30 C, the streets crowded, the restaurants "go out" , beautiful!!
It happened that this weekend is Memorial Day for the US soldiers. It's funny to see the different way they "celebrate" the MD, they actually celebrate it with Bar B Q, and Memorial day SALES, just imagine celebrating our Memorial day the same way.
In other hand let's keep our mind open, there are places in the world that celebrate the "dead night" in cemeteries with food and songs. It’s a beautiful way to remember our dear ones, but I think that here in Israel we can't do it yet we are too conservative …………..but we also have our own "strange" way , we celebrate our independence day once our memorial day is finished – in one minute you go from grave to fireworks…….and the next day is Bar B Q day………….so maybe we are not too different from the Americans…….

Monday, March 26, 2007

Do we appreciate what we have?

When I was a teenager I use to spend most of my time playing football (or as the Americans call it soccer) and the rest was in the scouts.
I this fast, digital,virtual world that we are living today , it's amazign that Scouts are still kicking and running. My wonderful mead daughter Roni (her name means Joy, Fun and indeed she is)just left yesterday to a full week which they spent walking with backpacks with all their stuff in, sleep outside, cook their food alone and with no showers.
It’s the same girl that change her cloths twice a day , the one who says that Ramat-Aviv mall is her third house (mother, father…and mall), the one who put make-up and all the rest which I don't really know how you call them. This 15 years old that takes minimum of two showers a day will have to "survive" 5 days without shower, 5 days without her computer and mobile (well she took it but it will probably won't be in use due to battery life), and 5 days without her mother ,father or Tali taking care of her.
I am SO glad she can experience different life than her regular life, SO happy she can see ,you can get along with only two Tees, SO happy that she can appreciate her life and what she has back home, SO happy for her to go through some difficulties and appreciate what she don't have to go through on daily basis. Good luck my dear Roni!!
And back to us………..do we appreciate what we have on a daily basis? or only when we go out of our comfort zones?

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Why do we do what we do?

I bought a motorcycle.
For long time I am struggling with my self on the issue should or shouldn't I buy a motorcycle. I know the text book about how dangerous it is , a specially in Israel when people don't "behave" on the road.
I hear people say…….oho…..he must be 40+…………that's what they do at their 40 tees…..buy a motorcycle, got divorced, going to India, learn Tantra………. Well I must say that beside divorce ,which I am not planning to go through any more (once is enough) ,I wish I can do all ………and why not do all? I can, so I will probably do……I am not sure about India but Albania sounds great and Laos is beautiful..any other suggestion?
Is it the 40tees? Or is it our passion for new things that we allowed our self to do only when we are very young (with no obligations) or when we go older (and have less obligations) ?
This bring me back to coaching………this is what I like about being a coach. let the imagination of your client run riot, allowed them to dream far than they ever dreamed on and support them when they start moving toward their dreams. And as they say: "put your money where your mouth is" !
I bought a motorcycle!! And when someone ask me why, my answer is: "because it was Orange"

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

China - Tibet

Saturday, Feb 17, after 12 days in China and Tibet I find my self ordering dinner in a Tibetan restaurant in Jongdien , the Chinese new years eve , and I am here alone.
12 days since the moment we started our mission to look for a missing woman who disappear in China three months ago.
We didn't find her yet , we barely found any new clues, as if the earth had opened and she drown into the unknown.
In the last four days I spent almost 10 hours a day riding a car to and from Tibet (Deqin to Mlcam and back) and in China (Deqin – Shangri-La – Tiger leaping goerge- Shangri-La ) with part of the team while the rest of the team was trekking in Deqin area.
In these 12 days I met a team of people who left their regular (volunteering) life to help the family of Ada Geshovitz looking for her, or as one of the guys said , well we got a free ticket to china so we went……….:)
Where should I star telling this story, is it from the moment I got the phone call from my dear friend and commander in the Israeli army asking me: how is your knee? Bad , I answered, I haven't got over the surgery I made. Do you have any plans to fly in the near future? I do, I am taking Tali (my wife) to Rome for her birthday in a week from now , I answered. So cancel all , you are coming to China with me………..
Or should I start from the moment we met Ada's daughters in a very very cold day in Jongdien , after more than a month looking for their Mom with no past experience, but only with great common sense and care for her.
Its been a journey, its part of the journey I am going throw for the last few years. It’s a sad one since we didn't find Ada yet, but there is also happiness , to see such wonderful people around me who volunteer in no-time to leave everything behind, to meet strong girls that don't give up their hope to find their mother, to find good people out there in far China who help with no rewards, to see the this beautiful world we are living in and most of all to see woman who fulfill her dreams and in the age of 62 traveled like young people , even though it sometimes can hurt her family as it is now.
I would also like to share with you one of the most amazing places I've been in during my travels, Shangri-la area. Its an area that started from Shangri-La (Jongdien) and stretched to the north of Yunnang province, till it reach Tibet.
Tomorrow (Feb 18) is my last day here and I am heading (Feb 19) in a long journey back home to Israel (three flights total of more than 24 hours on the ride).i am not sure I would be able to publish it to my blog before I reach Israel but I will sure write a lot on all the issues I mentioned above.
Just quick advise to those of you who travel alone, pls do it carefully , and when you go to remote places ple join others and don't go alone and if you do it, leave enough information behind so you can be found easily if you get lost.

you can also read my partner remarks:

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Business or Coach?

What is in airplanes that make people get much more open than in their regular life?
For many years it happened to me that I meet people on airplanes and after few hours which you spend squeezed on a coach seat, with little room to move, you find yourself wondering , what was it?
How come this person (and sometimes you) opened and shared very intimate facts about herself/himself.
The best allegory I can give to this situation, is like someone is forcing you to stay in a pub (drinks are free) with another person for few hours and you can't move any place as. Another thing that probably influences your behavior, is the fact that you probably won't see this person ever in your life and if you do it will probably will be different.
I heard a story from a good friend (woman) of mine, who met, on a stormy night, when their flight couldn't take off, the guy she spent few years with, after the flight took off from Hungary to NYC.
What was funny in this story is that he was flying business and she was on coach seat and that guy left his seat on the business and moved to the coach one.
And that's take me to a conversation I had with my wife after my last flight (Ams. – Tel Aviv) , there I met a wonderful woman who amazed me by her sincerity, and openness. She told me very intimate things about herself, her family and much more (thank you E. for being so open). My wife was wondering why it doesn't happen to her any more…………..the conclusion was that she stopped flying coach and moved to business!! Its much more convenient, but less interesting. People in business are less open and much more distant………so wake up people (business flyers) be opened with your flight mates , you will that your flight is much more interesting

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

is Greediness second to Arrogance ?

We spent the last months with many new start-ups. I've got the flashbacks from 1999-2001 when young guys came with idea and a "solid" business model: eye balls. Apparently they were right but a head of time,the prices went sky rocket and we remember well what happened during 2001-2004. But it seems that its coming back once again. This time the model is Google – Ads. Does things changed? Well one might say yes, the entrepreneurs saw the bubble, felt it in their pockets, and they are more mature now……….i am not sure…there is something that always rocks the market…………greediness and that doesn't change, it was ,it is and it will be the key to understand bubbles………..
People care about percentages and not about what they really need, people read headlines and ignore the articles, so pls go deeper try to see over the numbers, choose the right partners, be creative with your business model, and try, just a little to be less greedy (even if you are the smartest/talented person on earth – at least that’s what your mother says) and its better to be a bit more humble than arrogance……….
i also find my self infringe the rule of "not being greedy" and most of the times I lose, and when I succeed I say….."Wow I could get better…….." so the above is also for me…………….

Talking of another bubble?……….the stock exchange (Israeli)…….according to my inner feelings (or wishful thinking? We all talk from our position, aren't we?) I would lower the risk position of my portfolio, I did it and usually I do it earlier than I should………..

Next time some thoughts about managing small seed VC, in a world of giants VC's

Saturday, January 13, 2007

the metrix

I found the matrix………….
I believe each one of us, when he/she saw, Matrix 1……2……….wonder even for a short time (at least I did) is it possible?
I found it is exist ………Las Vegas……..i know everybody says its big, crazy, beautiful, artificial……but I think its more than that.
They built a world within a world and although you know it you still got confuse, you can't go off the bitten track no matter how much you try, meaning you can't miss going in/near a casino. the hotels lobbies are the casino and if you want to explore the outside you have to work hard to find your way out and when you do it, you ended up in another one.……….my personal "peak" was when I was in the Venecian ,went "out" to the "Italian square" wondering how could it possible that evening has arrive and than got shocked when I understood that the sky I am seeing is ARTIFICIAL!!!
Talking about artificial, on Wednesday started another parallel show to CES (consumer electronics) : THE - Adult Entertainment Expo , and you bet most of the boobs couldn't get that big or that high without a little artificial help!
I spoke with locals who live and do business there, I spoke with tourists who don't gamble and I found out one can enjoy the good of what the place has: great views of desert, beautiful nature, great in winter, excellent restaurants…….but for most of those who come sit next to the Black Jack tables or the Poker ones, and play for hours with the slots or for the older women who walked half naked instead of playing with their grandsons, I am not sure its enjoyable.
A short confession …………I played Black Jack (total of 3 hours in three days) and lost around 100$ - I gave my share to the system!!!
I can understand people who love it. it fulfills a lot of the western world fantasies for men(and sometimes for women) , you can play penny slots and still got served drinks, for free, by an half naked bunny , you sleep in a wonderful hotels which any where as you would pay twice or more, and you even don't have to travel far to see the world, its all there – NY, Paris ,Venice……..but its all for you to spend your Bucks. I wonder when they will have Jerusalem Hotel…………
I am on a plane to Amsterdam (after going from Vegas to Denver, NYC (stayed a day) ) and later on, back home, an interesting week!
CES is amazing, its was my first time and I couldn't figure out the size, its huge…………business wise it was very good for Mportico (www.mportico.com) ,one of our portfolio companies and I hope to see the results soon.
For those of you who like to explore New York, I found two new places , Bond St. restaurant – a sushi restaurant on 6 Bond Street ( the restaurant bar which located below the restaurant is very cool) and another place with the ugliest people in New York , but great drinks, good Mexican food, and Fridays& Saturdays parties ( south American music and bands) – Gonzalens- Gonzalense , on Broadway two blocks south of bond st. and one block north of Broadway/Huston. In Las Vegas you can try TAO bar and restaurant in the Venetian Hotel.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

microsoft/secured dimensions

מיקרוסופט קונה את הסטארט אפ סקיורד דיימנשנס בפחו

after 3 months of hard negotiating with Microsoft Secured dimensions was merge with Microsoft.
for my foreign readers, i am sorry that the article is in Hebrew.
i found my self sitting on a bar in the meat market district in NYC, having a toast with my self !

Friday, January 05, 2007

new york new york

I am on a business trip to New York and Las Vegas, its been a year since my last trip to New York, and I missed the city.
I will update more but for now……………..see some pic – (there will a high record for the Temp. (in Jan) tomorrow - 19© .
In one pic you can see from above the Xmas tree in the Rockefeller center